150㎎1本 35,000円(税込)
If you are not covered by health insurance, you can receive
treatment as an Self-pay medical treatment (own expense).
Normally, you would only take oral medication, and you could add
Xolair injections only in months when your hay fever is severe, or if
you have an upcoming event such as an exam.
One 150mg bottle costs 35,000 yen (tax included)

内科 – 重度の花粉症でお悩みの方へ
ゾレアとは? 花粉が体内に入ると、「IgE」という物質が作られます。この「IgE」が体の中でアレルギー反応を起こす細胞に結びつき、つらい症状を起こします。ゾレアは、このアレルギー物質と細胞が結びつくのを防...